The General Chiropractic Council has recently published a new Code of Professional Practice, which will come into effect from 1st January 2026. It outlines the standards expected of chiropractors and will replace the current Code (2016). We have been reading and reflecting on the new Code of Professional Practice in order to inform care and meet its requirements. If you would like to know more about the regulation of chiropractic in the UK, please visit the website of the General Chiropractic Council.
Health Sciences University
On 1st November 2024 the Health Sciences University was officially launched with the installation of Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal as chancellor. The new university, which has premises in London and Bournemouth, offers courses in a variety of health-related subjects including chiropractic, osteopathy, physiotherapy, medical imaging, radiotherapy, podiatry, psychology and sports science. The University came into being following the merger of the AECC University College and the University College of Osteopathy.
Cauda Equina Syndrome
Most back pain and symptoms arising from the back do not require a visit to Accident and Emergency. Suspected cauda equina syndrome is different and is one occasion when a prompt visit to Accident and Emergency is sensible.
Cauda equina syndrome is a rare condition, but it is one to be aware of. Cauda equina means horse’s tail and is the name given to a collection of nerves that pass through the lower part of the spine. If these nerves become compressed a person can experience weakness and/or numbness in both legs, loss of bladder and/or bowel control, and saddle numbness (loss of sensation over the area where the saddle would touch when sitting on a horse).
Suspected cauda equina syndrome needs immediate investigation. Anyone experiencing new symptoms as described above should go straight to their nearest Accident and Emergency. Emergency surgery may be required to decompress the affected nerves. The longer cauda equina syndrome is left untreated the greater the risk of permanent paralysis and incontinence. Please don’t wait and see with this one.
World Health Day
World Health Day is on 7th April, marking the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization in 1948. The theme this year is ‘My health, my right’. According to the World Health Organization, this theme was chosen to champion the right of everyone, everywhere, to have access to quality health services, education, and information, as well as safe drinking water, clean air, good nutrition, quality housing, decent working and environmental conditions, and freedom from discrimination.
Guidance from the World Health Organization
The World Health Organization has recently published guidance for non-surgical management of chronic low back pain. Informed by research evidence, it lists interventions that health care workers should and should not use.
There is no magic bullet for chronic low back pain, no perfect cure without danger of side effects, but there are approaches that can make a difference. Among its recommendations, the World Health Organization encourages clinicians to educate patients to support knowledge and self-care. It recommends use of exercise as a therapy, and also spinal manipulative therapy and massage. These are strategies we apply within the practice.
Further information about this guidance can be found on the World Health Organization website.
Proposed Merger of University Colleges
The AECC University College and the University College of Osteopathy are proposing to merge. The University College of Osteopathy has been training osteopaths for more than one hundred years and the AECC University College has been training chiropractors for more than fifty.
People often ask what the difference is between an osteopath and a chiropractor. Since working in the north of England, our response has often been to say that they are analogous with rugby league and rugby union. In many ways they are similar, they use their hands, they have a shared history, but they have been opposing traditions. We welcome cooperation between the professions.
The Society for Promoting Chiropractic Education
At Furness Chiropractic we sometimes find people travel a long way to see us because of the small number of chiropractors practising in Cumbria. On other occasions we are not able to see people as quickly as we would like because of demand. In order to increase the number of chiropractors, more training facilities are needed. The Society for Promoting Chiropractic Education aims to improve access to chiropractic care by helping universities establish undergraduate programmes and by increasing awareness of chiropractic as a career path.
For further information please go to:
Five Years of Furness Chiropractic
Furness Chiropractic was officially opened by Professor Haymo Thiel, Principal of the AECC University College, on 21st April 2018. This photograph was taken after the opening. It is of Francis and his brothers on a warm and sunny Piel Island.
Understanding Chronic Pain
Those who experience long term pain appreciate the impact it can have on quality of life. If we better understand pain, we can use that understanding to help us manage it. Flippin’ Pain is a public health campaign which aims to change the way we think about, talk about and treat persistent pain. For further details please visit:
Chiropractic Patient Voice
Chiropractic Patient Voice is a new organization linked to the Royal College of Chiropractors. It aims to enable chiropractic patients to meet with others, share their experiences of chiropractic care, contribute their views, and support the improvement of chiropractic services. We are looking forward to hearing more in due course.